What’s happening?

At Nova? – who knows. They don’t communicate – unless they want something from the investors

Their next communication – in the absence of any major developments in the interim – will only be in December when they issue their annual ( and not very informative) Communiqué that they publish in the web site along with the Annual Financial Statements

On the CIPC investigation front, the report has still not been released. It’s very frustrating especially as indications are that it’s going to be good news for the investors

But it cannot be rushed. Every aspect must be thoroughly finalized and every participating authority must be in full agreement with it. The last thing that must happen is that a slip up occurs and the door is opened to challenges, litigation and court delays. That would add years to a possible finalisation and could result in a reduced beneficial outcome
So, sit tight, be positive and remain patient

Is daar enigiets aan de gang?

By Nova? – wie weet. Hulle kommunikeer nie – tensy hulle iets van die beleggers wil hê

Hul volgende kommunikasie – in die afwesigheid van enige groot verwikkelinge in die tussentyd – sal eers in Desember wees wanneer hulle hul jaarlikse (en nie baie insiggewende) Communiqué uitreik wat hulle saam met die finansiële jaarstate op die webwerf publiseer

Op die CIPC-ondersoekfront is die verslag steeds nie vrygestel nie. Dit is baie frustrerend, veral aangesien aanduidings is dat dit goeie nuus vir die beleggers sal bring

Maar dit kan nie gehaas word nie. Elke aspek moet deeglik gefinaliseer word en elke deelnemende owerheid moet ten volle daarmee saamstem. Die laaste ding wat moet gebeur, is dat ‘n glips plaasvind wat die deur kan oopmaak vir uitdagings, litigasie en hofvertragings. Dié sal jare by ‘n moontlike finalisering voeg en kan lei tot ‘n verminderde voordelige uitkoms

So, sit styf, bly positief en bly geduldig