Ons wag nog op ……

Terwyl ons op die vrystelling van die CIPC se tussentydse verslag oor sy ondersoek en ook die publikasie van Nova se finansiële jaarstate vir 2024 wag, verskaf ons hierdie inliggende IOL-artikel van April ’24 as ‘n opknapping oor die omvang van die ondersoek

Ons kan sê dat daar nie veel intussen verander het sedert April nie en dit is steeds ons begrip dat die vrystelling van die verslag (waarvan die inhoud nie gepubliseer sal word nie aangesien dit onderhewig is aan die ondertekening van Non-Disclosure Agreements) tans intern binne CIPC opgehou word , oënskynlik as gevolg van die wye impak wat dit sal hê en moontlik ook die presedentskeppende effek daarvan

Lees verder hier:

www.iol.co.za/property/commercial/cipc-investigation-on-property-syn dication-schemes-to-be-released-715222e7-7121-4a6b-9048-19100ebd817b#google_ vignette

(Slegs in Engels beskikbaar)

Still awaiting ……

As we await the release of the CIPC’s Interim Report on its investigation and also the publication of Nova’s Annual Financial Statements for 2024, we provide this informative IOL article from April ’24 as a refresher on the scope of the investigation

We can say that not much has changed since April and it is still our understanding that the release of the report (the content of which will not be publicized as it is subject to recipient signature Non-Disclosure Agreements) is currently held up internally within CIPC, ostensibly due to the wide-ranging impact that it will have and also, its possible precedent-setting effect

Read further here:

www.iol.co.za/property/commercial/cipc-investigation-on-property-syn dication-schemes-to-be-released-715222e7-7121-4a6b-9048-19100ebd817b#google_ vignette