We have addressed this with our web site administrators who inform that the mails going out of the server are black text on white background so there is a mystery to be solved in order to rectify
In the meantime, the alternative is to go to the web site (www.ndcag.co.za <www.ndcag.co.za> ) and click on Latest News or to check out the content in our Facebook Page: Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors. Note though that at this time the content is posted to each site separately so it is possible that there may be a delay before same appears in the Facebook page
(Of course, the alert mails for this post will probably also appear black on black which might defeat the object of the post)
We enquire if any members are receiving the alert mails as white on black and if so, would they please send a short email to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> to confirm. If there are such cases, we may well be in contact to explore possible email settings differences and so find a solution
Thank you