Here’s an article published by Moonstone Information Refinery (an independent support network for Financial Service Providers) on what recent authority decisions might mean as regards the SARB’s close-down of the property syndication investment industry and the possible effect on FAIS Ombud complaints lodged, whether finalised or yet to be finalised. It seems though that the Ombud is going to “wait and see” what transpires from any or all of the authorities involved before making any decisions

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(Available in English only)

Hier is ‘n artikel gepubliseer deur Moonstone Information Refinery (‘n onafhanklike ondersteuningsnetwerk vir finansiële diensverskaffers) oor wat onlangse owerheidsbesluite kan beteken met betrekking tot die SARB se sluiting van die eiendomsindikasiebeleggingsbedryf en die moontlike uitwerking op FAIS Ombud-klagtes wat ingedien is, of dit nou afgehandel is. of nog afgehandel moet word. Dit blyk egter dat die Ombud gaan “wag en sien” wat van enige of al die betrokke owerhede gebeur voordat enige besluite geneem word