Potgooi: RSG Geldsake vanaand/Podcast: RSG Geldsake this evening
<iono.fm/e/1212559?fbclid=IwAR1TTgLMbT91zRjODFp0KZ3JQ0L8FTruZAgCQxKU xfu2D1sRaYVW62aiQCI> iono.fm/e/1212559
<iono.fm/e/1212559?fbclid=IwAR1TTgLMbT91zRjODFp0KZ3JQ0L8FTruZAgCQxKU xfu2D1sRaYVW62aiQCI> iono.fm/e/1212559
<www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/breaking-cipc-orders-nov a-to-stop-selling-properties/?fbclid=IwAR3MA-bkif2PDCUspr44m8uvaeJguPzSgPDxK yneP4jFJYEEWMI1A8j4g_U> www.moneyweb.co.za/…/breaking-cipc-orders-nova…/
Ryk will be speaking to Herman Lombaard regarding CIPCs involvement and actions
Nova het ‘n persverklaring oor hierdie aangeleentheid op hul webwerf geplaas. Dit kan
besigtig word by: (sien onder)
On 22 July we posted an article from the Pretoria News on a court judgment involving
the parties to the construction of The Villa complex
Nova have posted a Press Release on this matter in their web site. It can be viewed at:
“The Nova Board were issued with a Compliance Notice instructing them to stop selling immovable properties and provide the
Commission with certain documentation. A media release will be published this week with more detail”
Said detail to follow