Nuus oor die onlangse The Villa-hofuitspraak/News on the recent The Villa court judgement

Op 22 Julie het ons ‘n artikel uit die Pretoria News geplaas oor ‘n hofuitspraak wat die
partye by die bou van die villakompleks betrek

Nova het ‘n persverklaring oor hierdie aangeleentheid op hul webwerf geplaas. Dit kan
besigtig word by: (sien onder)

On 22 July we posted an article from the Pretoria News on a court judgment involving
the parties to the construction of The Villa complex

Nova have posted a Press Release on this matter in their web site. It can be viewed at:


Mr Cuma Zwane, of CIPC and leading the inter-regulatory investigation into Nova has informed Herman Lombaard of the following:

“The Nova Board were issued with a Compliance Notice instructing them to stop selling immovable properties and provide the
Commission with certain documentation. A media release will be published this week with more detail”

Said detail to follow