Nuwe ontwikkeling – Groot stap vorentoe!

Die CIPC se ondersoek na Nova en die beweerde historiese onwettighede en onreëlmatighede agter die Sharemax-sluiting in 2010 het ‘n punt bereik waar ‘n voorlopige verslag opgestel is. Dit sal binnekort aan verskeie rolspelers versprei word (“relevante reguleerders, wetstoepassingsagentskappe, geaffekteerde partye en belanghebbende partye [wat laasgenoemde gedefinieer word as] “beperk tot reguleerders en staatsorgane”) vir oorweging voor ‘n gesamentlike hersiening van die bevindings in die verslag om die weg te baan vir die samestelling van ‘n finale verslag waarvan die inhoud die basis sou wees vir die bereiking van sommige van die beoogde doelwitte (Sien skakel na CIPC se dekbrief hieronder)

Ons verstaan dat daar ‘n vergadering van die aangespreekte spelers op 14 Mei sal plaasvind en waaruit die ware verhaal agter die Sharemax-sluiting waarskynlik sal na vore kom tesame met inligting oor moontlike vervolgings, oor regstellende aksies vir die Sharemax-beleggers en oor die lot van Nova

Skakel na die CIPC-brief:


Die tussentydse verslag sal gedeel word sodra dit beskikbaar is

So weereens, sit styf, wees positief en wees geduldig!

New development – Big step forward!

The CIPC’s investigation into Nova and the alleged historical illegalities and irregularities behind the Sharemax shutdown in 2010 has reached a point where a preliminary report has been prepared. This will shortly be distributed to various players (“relevant regulators, law enforcement agencies, affected parties and interested parties [which these latter are defined as being] “confined to regulators and organs of State”) for consideration ahead of a joint review of the findings in the report to pave the way for the compilation of a final report, the contents of which would be the basis for achieving some of the objectives envisaged (See link to CIPC’s covering letter below)

It is expected that there will be a meeting of the addressed players in May and out of which the true story behind the Sharemax shutdown is likely to emerge together with information on possible prosecutions, on remedial actions for the Sharemax investors and on the fate of Nova

Link to the CIPC letter:


The interim report will be shared once received

So again, sit tight, be positive and be patient!

What’s happening?

At Nova? – who knows. They don’t communicate – unless they want something from the investors

Their next communication – in the absence of any major developments in the interim – will only be in December when they issue their annual ( and not very informative) Communiqué that they publish in the web site along with the Annual Financial Statements

On the CIPC investigation front, the report has still not been released. It’s very frustrating especially as indications are that it’s going to be good news for the investors

But it cannot be rushed. Every aspect must be thoroughly finalized and every participating authority must be in full agreement with it. The last thing that must happen is that a slip up occurs and the door is opened to challenges, litigation and court delays. That would add years to a possible finalisation and could result in a reduced beneficial outcome
So, sit tight, be positive and remain patient