Ontvang nie ons News Alert e-posse nie?

Het u in die verlede by ons geregistreer (LET WEL: by ons, dws; Nova Skuldbrief Krediteure Aksiegroep – NIE, Nova Property nie) maar ontvang nie ons News Alert e-posse nie?

Dit kan wees as gevolg van nie-aflewering van dieselfde

Elke keer wat ons stelsel automaties nuwe e-posse genereer, is daar altyd daaropvolgende terugsendingboodskappe wat nie-afgelewering adviseer

As hierdie situasie op u van toepassing is, stuur asseblief ‘n e-pos aan ons by info@ndcag.co.za <mailto:info@ndcag.co.za> en gee u volle naam en ID # sodat ons ons lidmaatskapargiefbesonderhede kan nagaan en u kan aanspreek oor enige afwykings


Not receiving our News Alert emails?

Have you registered with us (NOTE: with us, ie; Nova Debenture Creditors Action Group – NOT, Nova Property) in the past but have not been receiving our News Alert emails?

This may be because of non-delivery of same. Each time that our server generates new mails, there are always subsequent non-delivery return messages

If this situation applies to you, please email us at info@ndcag.co.za <mailto:info@ndcag.co.za> , giving your full name and ID # so that we can check our membership archive details and address you on any discrepancies

Thank you

Publications regarding the latest developments (Part 1)

(An Afrikaans text version has also been posted)

Please note that English is the official language for all court records. Likewise, it is also the communication norm in the business environment. Articles taken from English web sites will be available here in English only. The same applies to articles and documents originally published in Afrikaans which will be available in that language only

1. the CIPC Compliance Notice restricting Nova activity

This link will take you to a media release on the matter. At the bottom of the text there is a link: COMPLIANCE NOTICE ISSUED TO NOVA PROPGROW GROUP HOLDINGS LTD which will open a pdf document containing the full text of the Compliance Notice

2. Nova’s response – published in their web site:
(this is also a pdf document that requires downloading to read)

3. A Moneyweb article on this development

4. A Moonstone article looking, primarily, at Nova’s issues with the Compliance Notice (Moonstone is a financial services regulatory compliance and licensing solutions service provider)

FW: Uitgawes rakend die nuutse ontwikkelinge (Deel 1)

(An English text version will also be posted)

Neem asseblief kennis dat Engels die amptelike taal vir alle hofrekords is. Net so is dit ook die kommunikasienorm in die sake-omgewing. Artikels wat uit Engelse webwerwe geneem is, sal slegs in Engels hier beskikbaar wees. Net so sal artikels en dokumente wat oorspronklik in Afrikaans gepubliseer is, slegs in daardie taal beskikbaar wees

1. Die CIPC-nakomingskennisgewing wat Nova-aktiwiteit beperk

Hierdie skakel sal jou na ‘n mediaverklaring oor die aangeleentheid neem. Onderaan die teks is daar ‘n skakel: COMPLIANCE NOTICE ISSUED TO NOVA PROPGROW GROUP HOLDINGS LTD wat ‘n pdf-dokument sal oopmaak wat die volledige teks van die Voldoeningskennisgewing bevat

2. Nova se reaksie – gepubliseer op hul webwerf
(hierdie is ‘n pdf-dokument wat afgelaai moet word om te kan lees)

3. ‘n Moneyweb-artikel oor hierdie ontwikkelings

4. ‘n Moonstone-artikel wat hoofsaaklik na Nova se kwessies met die Nakomingskennisgewing kyk (Moonstone is ‘n diensverskaffer van finansiële dienste regulatoriese voldoening en lisensiëring oplossings)

Rapport artikel Sondag 14de/Article in Rapport, Sunday 14th

Ons vra om verskoning vir moontlike tekortkominge in beeldleesbaarheid


Indien dit die geval is, besoek asseblief ons Facebook-blad: Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors
waar hierdie artikel ook geplaas is

We apologise for possible image readability shortcomings

Should this be the case, please visit our Facebook page: Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors
where this article has also been posted

Click on Image to Enlarge

Have your registration details changed? Not receiving our News Alert emails?

If these situations apply to you, please send an email to info@ndcag.co.za <mailto:info@ndcag.co.za> with
you names and ID #, and details of what has changed or to advise that emails
not being received

We will make the necessary changes to the member archive and confirm to you


Doing this will only duplicate your original registration and necessitate further
administrative action to rectify in addition to the continued generation of emails
to your incorrect address (when this is relevant)

Thank you

Het u registrasiebesonderhede verander? Ontvang u nie ons News Alert e-posse nie?

Indien hierdie situasies vir u van toepassing is, stuur asseblief ‘n e-pos na info@ndcag.co.za <mailto:info@ndcag.co.za>
met u name en ID #, en besonderhede van wat verander het of om in kennis te stel dat e-posse
nie ontvang word nie

Ons sal die nodige veranderinge aan die lede-argief aanbring en aan jou bevestig


As u dit doen, sal u oorspronklike registrasie gedupliseer word en dit sal verder administratiewe
optrede vereis om reg te stel bykomend tot die voortgesette generering van e-posse na jou
verkeerde adres (waar dit relevant is)


Moneyweb-artikel oor FAIS-klagtes/Moneyweb article on FAIS complaints

Information for investors whose FAIS complaints remain unaddressed

Inligting vir beleggers wie se FAIS-klagtes nog nie aangespreek was nie

www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/sharemax-complaints-to-fa is-ombud-unaffected-by-npa-decision-not-to-prosecute/

<www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/sharemax-complaints-to-f ais-ombud-unaffected-by-npa-decision-not-to-prosecute/?fbclid=IwAR28AzW4yfVm wGZJX_xpfN5lgBCImBhfaKRJRVrAaGhI36YP0FFQeGkiPpw>
<www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/sharemax-complaints-to-f ais-ombud-unaffected-by-npa-decision-not-to-prosecute/?fbclid=IwAR28AzW4yfVm wGZJX_xpfN5lgBCImBhfaKRJRVrAaGhI36YP0FFQeGkiPpw>