Media24 article just posted/Media24 artikel pas geplaas

If you are unable to view this article in the web site, please visit our Facebook page: Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors where is also posted, visible in a larger presentation and can be enlarged for ease of reading

As jy nie hierdie artikel op die webwerf kan sien nie, besoek asseblief ons Facebook-bladsy: Sharemax Investors/Nova Skuldbrief Krediteure waar is ook geplaasis is, sigbaar in ‘n groter aanbieding en kan vergroot word vir maklike lees

Can anyone help us with …./Kan enigiemand hulp gee i.v.m……

This post on Nova developments appears in Netwerk24. We are unable to access as it’s behind a paywall.
We ask any viewer who is a subscriber to Netwerk24 (or News24 – although a search in same did not
reveal an English version to us) to download and send us a file or images for posting.
Thank you in anticipation

Hierdie berig oor Nova-verwikkelinge verskyn in Netwerk24. Ons kan nie toegang kry nie, aangesien dit
agter ‘n betaalmuur is. Ons vra enige kyker wat ‘n intekenaar is op Netwerk24 om ‘n lêer of beelde af te
laai en vir ons te stuur vit plasing in hierdie blad.
Dankie in afwagting per-ondersoeke-kom-20220811

Sharemax/Nova op Dstv se Kyknet/Sharemax/Nova on Dstv’s Kyknet

Sharemax/Nova-segment op Dstv se Kyknet – kanaal 144 – In Gesprek Met Maandagaand
Dubbelklik op die video om in volskermmodus te kyk

Sharemax/Nova segment on Dstv’s Kyknet -channel 144 – In Gesprek Met on Monday night
Double click on the video to watch in full-screen mode

< R0Ht_WG8QET26DUZS9g5ZO1_Lg7QLg8cEzLa1SVkNpGXms1VJO5f0WReJM>…/qv/99071934/18040578/131174/p

Nuus oor die onlangse The Villa-hofuitspraak/News on the recent The Villa court judgement

Op 22 Julie het ons ‘n artikel uit die Pretoria News geplaas oor ‘n hofuitspraak wat die
partye by die bou van die villakompleks betrek

Nova het ‘n persverklaring oor hierdie aangeleentheid op hul webwerf geplaas. Dit kan
besigtig word by: (sien onder)

On 22 July we posted an article from the Pretoria News on a court judgment involving
the parties to the construction of The Villa complex

Nova have posted a Press Release on this matter in their web site. It can be viewed at:


Mr Cuma Zwane, of CIPC and leading the inter-regulatory investigation into Nova has informed Herman Lombaard of the following:

“The Nova Board were issued with a Compliance Notice instructing them to stop selling immovable properties and provide the
Commission with certain documentation. A media release will be published this week with more detail”

Said detail to follow