Our News Alert emails that present “black on black” and thus, are unreadable

We advise members that we are aware that the alert emails that despatch automatically out of our server on the morning following any new post in the NDCAG web site are presenting to the receivers in an illegible manner, ie; what appears to be black text on a black background

We have addressed this with our web site administrators who inform that the mails going out of the server are black text on white background so there is a mystery to be solved in order to rectify

In the meantime, the alternative is to go to the web site (www.ndcag.co.za <www.ndcag.co.za> ) and click on Latest News or to check out the content in our Facebook Page: Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors. Note though that at this time the content is posted to each site separately so it is possible that there may be a delay before same appears in the Facebook page

(Of course, the alert mails for this post will probably also appear black on black which might defeat the object of the post)

We enquire if any members are receiving the alert mails as white on black and if so, would they please send a short email to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> to confirm. If there are such cases, we may well be in contact to explore possible email settings differences and so find a solution

Thank you

Attention all NDCAG members but particularly, those who have not yet completed and sent to us, a proxy form

Those members who will not attend the January 11 Trustee approval meeting and who have not yet given a proxy are requested to so as a matter of urgency

We remind members that they will have received one email for every one of the Schemes of Arrangement categories for which they hold a Debenture Certificate

To clarify:

There are four separate Schemes of Arrangement categories out of the Sharemax closure/business rescue and the Nova Debenture issuance:

The Villa Companies (Villa 1 & 2) plus the Zambezi Company were restructured in term of Section 311 of the Companies Act
The Malls are styled The Income Plan Companies and the residential developments are styled as the Growth Plan Companies

You will see the applicable category (as highlighted above) stated in the email(s) received

Therefore, you have a vote in each of the categories for which you have received an email

If you are invested in one of the properties in all four of the categories, then you should have four emails and you have four votes, thus necessitating that you give four proxies

(If you are invested in two or more properties within any one category, then you only have one vote for that category)

Members must appoint a separate proxy for each email that they have received (if they are not going to attend the meeting and vote there themselves, of course)

See below for guidance on proxy completion and submission

We want to achieve a state of having proxies from as many of our Debenture Holder members to show Nova that we are:

* indeed a representative entity; * that our membership is growing and; * that we act in solidarity (which will be evidenced by the number of proxies that we receive, hopefully from every NDCAG Debenture Holder member)

We also inform members that Herman Lombaard will be voting at the meeting and that, on behalf of our members, his vote will be a NO. We will not support the approval/appointment of a “company man” who, it is clear, has only been nominated by Nova to do their bidding. The likely aim being to engineer – without any prior reference to or the approval of, the Debenture Holders, or even without informing them once it has been accomplished – a solution to the problem of the CIPC’s insistence that the debenture repayment deadline is 20 January 2022. This means that between the vote on the new Trustee on 11 January and the 20th – IF THE APPROVAL VOTE IS SUCCESSFUL, ie; that Mr Tromp is installed as the Trustee – Nova will find a way to engineer the deadline extension. The method is no doubt already in place and only requires Debenture Holder approval of the appointment of Mr Tromp. WE HAVE TO STOP THIS!

Guidance on proxy completion and submission for Debenture Holders registered as NDCAG members:

We have recommended Herman Lombaard (first) and Roger Johnson (alternate) as proxies. Both are on the operating committee of NDCAG, both are Debenture Holders

It is necessary for us to reconcile 11 January meeting proxies which members may have already, or will still give to Herman Lombaard/Roger Johnson (same to be emailed to Herman at <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]) with the member list in our registration archive

Therefore, we request any NDCAG member who will give their proxy as above, to please clearly mark same with a bold NDCAG (but, if a member has already sent a proxy to Herman, no further action need be taken)

Please ensure that both your identification number of record and your Debenture Certificate number that appears in the emails received are both inserted in your proxy form(s) (see example)

See the pdf format example of a completed proxy form that is included in this post for further guidance,

Thank you for your ongoing support and solidarity

PS: if members have any questions, please send them to us via the comment/message options in our Facebook page: Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors

PPS: If a registered member (or any Debenture Holder) has still not received an email(s) from Nova, it is not too late to take action. Send an email to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> giving full details of the Debenture Holder (Title, full names, SA ID # or other # of record, cell phone and landline #s, address, email address and the numbers of all Debenture Certificates held). They should respond with the correct number of emails

Please ignore the previous post and action this replacement

This post, which will appear in both the NDCAG website and the Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors Facebook page, is for the specific attention of those Debenture Holders who have registered online with NDCAG

It is necessary for us to reconcile 11 January meeting proxies which members may have already, or will still give to Herman Lombaard/Roger Johnson (same to be emailed to Herma at <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]) with the member list in our registration archive

Therefore, we request any NDCAG member who will give their proxy as above, to please clearly mark same with a bold NDCAG (but, if a member has already sent a proxy to Herman, no further action need be taken)

See the attached example of a completed proxy form that we posted previously but now with the addition of said bold NDCAG

Thank you all for your assistance in this regard

Attention Debenture Holders who are registered with NDCAG

This post, which will appear in both the NDCAG website and the Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors Facebook page, is for the specific attention of those Debenture Holders who have registered online with NDCAG

It is necessary for us to reconcile 11 January meeting proxies which members may have already, or will still give to Herman Lombaard/Roger Johnson (same to be emailed to Herma at [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> ) with the member list in our registration archive

Therefore, we request any NDCAG member who will give their proxy as above, to please clearly mark same with a bold NDCAG (but, if a member has already sent a proxy to Herman, no further action need be taken)

See the attached example of a completed proxy form that we posted previously but now with the addition of said bold NDCAG

Thank you all for your assistance in this regard

Example for completion of a proxy form

Reference: A A60063

Nova Property Group Investments Proprietary Limited
Attention: The Company Secretary
105 Club Avenue
Waterkloof Heights NDCAG

Email: <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]

I/We,____John Joseph Jackson________________________________________________

Debenture holder’s reference number or identity number

___ID: 5501011234567 Ref: A A60063_____________________________________

being a debenture holder of Nova Property Group Investments Proprietary Limited in relation to the Growth Plan companies, do hereby appoint

1. _Herman Lombaard_______________________________________; or failing him / her

2. _Roger Johnson_______________________________________________.

as my proxy to attend and/or vote on my behalf, should I/we be entitled to vote, at the meeting of debenture holders of Nova Property Group Investments Proprietary Limited which will be held at The Capital Menlyn Maine, 194 Bancor Avenue, Menlyn, Pretoria, on Tuesday 11 January 2022 at 16:00am, including any adjournment thereof.

Signed on this ________ day of ___________________ 2021/2022.

Signature of Debenture holder

What if a Debenture Holder has not received an email about the January 11 meeting, from Nova?

In the event that a Debenture Holder has not received an email or emails, from Nova, such persons should send an email to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> to advise them of the fact

In the email, full names, address of record, ID#, contact #, email address and the Debenture Certificate numbers of the certificates that are held should be provided

The Nova Admin will send out the appropriate number of emails, ie; one for each of the four categories (The Villas Company, the Zambezi Company, The Growth Plans and the Income Plans

It is expected (but not guaranteed) that, should any of the detail provided not match with their records, Nova would address the email sender and subsequently update their records

Recipients should ensure that they receive as many emails as the Plans in which they invested

The Villas Company covers both Villa 1 & 2

The Zambezi Company covers Zambezi Mall

The Income Plans are the malls

The Growth Plans are the residential developments

Any questions in this connection can be posed via the Comments functionality in our Facebook page

Request to temporarily address queries to our Facebook page rather than to [email protected]

We are aware that many emails sent to our ema [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> during the course of the year have remained unanswered. We apologise for this

As we get back into the swing of things, it will be easier for us to respond to queries online in the Facebook page and we request that members please use this channel for the time being

Members who have previously sent in emails that remain unanswered and who still require a response, are requested to please re-post their questions in the Facebook page and we should respond same day as we deal with what comes up in the received Notifications for the page

The page can be found via Google by searching for Sharemax Investors (and the NDCAG page will come up in the search results) or type in all of Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors

Nova has published its 2021 Financial Statements today

Nova published their 2021 financial statements today. Ten months late per Company Act requirements and one of the reasons why they were served with a 2nd Compliance Notice by CIPC in November

We will be watching for analysis and opinion on the state of the company and deemed solvency or insolvency and will post for information

Here is the link:
<novapropertygroup.co.za/index.php/financial-statements/?fbclid=IwAR 3IRZn8C7k2Wo-CrNDV035fvTvJi7t_nQRRD2sPZUE5Xajm3hP0zbUSo3s> novapropertygroup.co.za/ind…/financial-statements/

Recent Moneyweb posts on Nova Property Group

Below are the links to the most recent Moneyweb posts on Sharemax/Nova

15 December: Nova Debenture Holders stand up to the Sharemax Rescue Vehicle
www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/nova-debenture-holders-st and-up-to-the-sharemax-rescue-vehicle/

13 December: Moneyweb-radio: Nova betaal nie die voormalige Sharemax beleggers binne die 10 jaar tydperk terug nie
www.moneyweb.co.za/moneyweb-radio/nova-betaal-nie-die-voormalige-sha remax-beleggers-binne-die-10-jaar-tydperk-terug-nie/

10 December: Sharemax rescue vehicle makes a u-turn on payments to investors
www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/sharemax-rescue-vehicle-m akes-a-u-turn-on-payments-to-investors/

24 November: CIPC concerned about Nova’s ability to repay debenture holders
www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/cipc-concerned-about-nova s-ability-to-repay-debenture-holders/

17 November: Sharemax rescue vehicle faces CIPC shutdown
www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/sharemax-rescue-vehicle-f aces-cipc-shutdown/

25 October: How former Sharemax investors saved Connie Myburgh
www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/how-former-sharemax-inves tors-saved-connie-myburgh/

No airtime on RSG’s Geldsake this evening

We’ve received word that there was too much on the “story board” at Geldsake tonight and although Herman was on standby, there was just not enough time to get to Sharemax/Nova. We’ll keep you posted as to when tonight’s planned discussion will air