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Persone wat sulke versoeke stuur, moet asseblief daarop let dat elke nuusplasing op ons webwerf (www.ndcag.co.za > Latest News) in beide tale verskyn. Maar, net een News Alert e-pos gaan uit en vir sommige ontvangers kan dit by geleentheid in die “ander” taal wees. Dit is te danke aan die manier waarop ons e-posversending opgestel is in die stelsel wat NDCAG-registrasies en kommunikasie huisves – baie vriendelik gratis verskaf deur ‘n familielid van ‘n skuldbriefhouer

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Our English and Afrikaans news posts and our News Alert emails


We frequently receive requests to provide our web site news post texts in either of English or Afrikaans where such requestor has received one of our News Alert emails in the “wrong” language

Persons who send such requests should please note that every news post appears in our web site (www.ndcag.co.za <www.ndcag.co,.za> > Latest News) in both languages. But only one News Alert email goes out and for some recipients this may on occasion, be in the “other” language. This is due to the way that our email transmission is set up in the system that hosts NDCAG registrations and communications – very kindly provided free of charge by a family member of a Debenture Holder

THERE IS A SIMPLE WAY to easily see the text of a received News Alert email in the other language

Simply go to the website and click on the “Latest News” button in the home screen or scroll down to “Latest News” where the latest post will appear in both languages

Uiteindelik .. goeie nuus!

CIPC het ondersoekdeelnemers ingelig dat:

– ‘n Mediavrystelling word binne die nabye toekoms uitgereik – dit word nou gedurende hierdie week verwag
– Terselfdertyd sal die vrystelling van die verslag oor die ondersoek van Nova en die sluiting van die PSPC-industrie ook plaasvind

Besoek die CIPC Kennisgewings-bladsy by www.cipc.co.za/?page_id=2911verslag om uit te kyk vir mediavrystelling

Of die tussentydse verslag openbaar gemaak en/of op die bogenoemde webwerf gepubliseer sal word, moet nog gesien word

Dit is nie op hierdie stadium duidelik of hierdie vrystellings die “finale” ondersoekuitkoms sal wees nie of hulle sal onderhewig wees aan die voorheen verwagte “dertig dae-oorwegingstydperk” (deur die ondersoekdeelnemers) wat gevolg sal word deur die hersieningsvergadering met daaropvolgende die Finale Verslag wat sal daarna vrygestel word

Dir moet gehoop word dat die vrystelling wel sal plaasvind, dat daar geen laaste minuut haakplekke sal wees nie en dat Sharemax beleggers uiteindelik positiewe (verkieslik BAIE POSITIEWE) nuus sal kry oor die terugbetaling van hul geld na al die jare van wag

At last .. some good news!

CIPC have informed investigation participants that:

* A Media Release is due out in the very near future – now expected during this week * Simultaneously, the release of the CIPC Report on the investigation of Nova and the close-down of the PSPC industry will also take place

You can visit the CIPC Notices page at www.cipc.co.za/?page_id=2911 to keep a look out for media release

Whether or not the Interim Report will be made public and/or published in the above site remains to be seen

It is not clear at this stage if these releases will be the “final” investigation outcome or if they will be subject to the previously expected “thirty day consideration period” (by the investigation participants) to be followed by the review meeting with subsequent Final Report to be released thereafter

It is to be hoped that the release will indeed take place, that there will not be any last minute hitches and that at last, Sharemax investors will get some positive (preferably, VERY POSITIVE) news regarding return of their money after all the years of waiting

Update on the CIPC investigation

We’re no closer to knowing the outcome of the CIPC Investigation into Nova and the close-down of the Property Syndication Promotion Companies (PSPC) industry back in 2010

The CIPC’s Interim Report has still not been released and so there’s no progress yet towards the planned review meeting that is to be followed by publication of the Final Report with, supposedly, beneficial outcomes for the Sharemax investors and, in many cases, their testamentary successors

It would seem that, as alluded to in our earlier posts and in our Comment and email responses, there is much lobbying underway by unnamed authority bodies to ensure that the report does not contain too much content that is damaging and which can result in reputational damage

This is ironic insofar as, on the one hand, some of these authorities were allegedly complicit (the Final Report is expected to declare this as so) in the original plot to “capture” the PSPCs and on the other hand, some authorities were just not willing, during the period between the 2010 close-down and 2022/23 when the CIPC broadened its PSPC investigation to include all relevant authorities, to actually listen to the activist allegations of gross malpractice and illegality and take appropriate action

In our opinion, the complicit and delinquent authorities deserve whatever negative judgements the Final Report might eventually contain and they can just, in modern parlance, “suck it up”!

Whatever face-saving is eventually achieved, the recommendations, or better still, mandatory decisions, to be delivered in the Final Report must in no way diminish the recompense (return of investment, compensation for loss of earnings since 2010 and compensation for lost “share of profit” out of the original property portfolio value growth that would have occurred over time) due to the original investors or their successors

Further, the Final Report should not in any way diminish the role and culpability of those persons and bodies that were complicit in and benefitted from, the close-down and specifically, aided and abetted the capture of the Sharemax assets which have largely “disappeared” under the management of Nova

Culpable illegal actions must be prosecuted. Simply receiving financial compensation out of the decisions of the CIPC investigation will not actually deliver justice for the loss, deprivation and suffering that has been the lot of the Sharemax investors since 2010

Opdatering oor die CIPC-ondersoek

Ons is nie enigsins nader daaraan om die uitslag van die CIPC-ondersoek van Nova en die sluiting van die Propoerty Syndication Promotion Companies (PSPC) bedryf in 2010 te weet nie.

Die CIPC se Tussentydse Verslag is steeds nie vrygestel nie en daar is dus nog geen vordering in die rigting van die beplande hersieningsvergadering wat gevolg sal word deur die publikasie van die Finale Verslag met, vermoedelik, voordelige uitkomste vir die Sharemax-beleggers en, in baie gevalle, hul testamentêre opvolgers nie.

Dit wil voorkom asof, soos verwys na in ons vroeëre plasings en in ons kommentaar en e-pos-antwoorde, daar baie” lobbywerk” aan die gang is deur naamlose gesagsliggame om te verseker dat die verslag nie te veel inhoud bevat wat skadelik is en wat reputasieskade kan veroorsaak nie.

Dit is ironies in soverre, aan die een kant, sommige van hierdie owerhede na bewering medepligtig was (wat die finale verslag na verwagting sal verklaar) in die oorspronklike komplot om die PSPC’s te “vaslê” en aan die ander kant, sommige owerhede net nie gewillig was om gedurende die tydperk tussen die 2010-sluiting en 2022/23 toe die CIPC sy PSPC-ondersoek uitgebrei het om alle relevante owerhede in te sluit, daadwerklik na die aktivistiese bewerings van growwe wanpraktyke en onwettigheid te luister en toepaslike stappe te neem nie

Na ons mening verdien die medepligtige en misdadige owerhede watter negatiewe oordele die Finale Verslag ook al op die ou end mag bevat en hulle moet net, in moderne spreektaal, “suck it up”

Wat ook al die gesigsbesparing uiteindelik bereik word, die aanbevelings, of nog beter, verpligte besluite, wat in die Finale Verslag gelewer moet word, mag geensins die vergoeding (opbrengs van belegging, vergoeding vir verlies aan verdienste sedert 2010 en vergoeding vir verlore “deel in wins” uit die oorspronklike eiendomsportefeulje waardegroei wat oor tyd sou plaasgevind het) verskukldig aan die oorspronklike beleggers of hul opvolgers verminder nie

Verder behoort die Finale Verslag op geen manier die rol en skuld van daardie persone en liggame wat medepligtig was aan en voordeel getrek het uit, die sluiting en spesifiek, bygedra het tot die vaslegging van die Sharemax-bates wat grootliks “verdwyn” het, onder die bestuur van Nova, te verminder nie.

Strafbare onwettige optrede moet vervolg word. Om bloot finansiële vergoeding te ontvang uit die besluite van die CIPC-ondersoek sal nie eintlik geregtigheid lewer vir die verlies, ontbering en lyding wat sedert 2010 die lot van die Sharemax-beleggers is nie.

Uitstel van CIPC Tussentydse Hersieningsvergadering/Postponement of CIPC Interim Report review meeting

CIPC have issued this on the postponement:

(Only available in English)

Kindly be advised that due to conflicting diaries and time constraints, there has been a revision of strategy/approach in terms of the contemplated meeting which was marked for 5 June ’24.

The revised strategy is to avail the preliminary report to regulators and affected parties so they can make inputs for the draft final report over 30-business days. This will afford parties sufficient time to interrogate the report and provide the necessary input prior to a formal sitting. Thereafter, we will convene a meeting (the said inquisition/sitting) to map the final verdict and agree on applicable legal remedies within the context of Section 41 and 42 of the Constitution and subordinate legislation.

The meeting will therefore no longer be holding on 5 June ’24. The exact date will be communicated after input from the various parties has been received and a draft final report has been compiled and circulated to relevant parties.

We trust you find the above in order.

Opdatering oor CIPC Ondersoek hersieningsvergadering

Die hersieningsvergadering van CIPC se bevindinge oor sy ondersoek na Nova en die sluiting van Sharemax in 2010 wat vandag, 14 Mei gestel is, is tot 5 Junie uitgestel weens probleme om ‘n Voorsittende Beampte te vind. Ons verbeel ons dat dit ‘n persoon sou wees wat voldoende ver van die ondersoek af was en voldoende gekwalifiseerd/ervare is om die beraadslagings by te staan ​​en te verseker dat die regte uitkoms gelewer word

Ons is nie bewus van die inhoud van die CIPC se tussentydse verslag en enige aanbevelings wat dit mag bevat nie, maar ons verstaan ​​dat indien/wanneer dit vrygestel word dit “nie vir publikasie” sal wees nie. Wat openbaar gemaak sal word, verwag ons, sal die finale verslag wees wat dan alle aksies van resolusie sal dryf om die Sharemax/Nova-sage uiteindelik tot ‘n einde te bring en beide geregtigheid en vergoeding vir die Sharemax-beleggers te lewer

Update on CIPC Investigation review meeting

The review meeting of CIPC’s findings on its investigation into Nova and the shut-down of Sharemax in 2010 that was set for today, 14 May, has been postponed to 5 June due to some difficulty finding a Presiding Officer. We imagine that this would be a person who has been sufficiently distant from the investigation and sufficiently qualified/experienced to assist the deliberations and ensure that the right outcome is delivered
We are not aware of the content of the CIPC’s Interim Report, and any recommendations that it might contain but we understand that if/when released it will be “not for publication”. What will be made public, we expect, will be the Final Report which will then drive all actions of resolution to bring the Sharemax/Nova saga to a close at last and deliver both justice and compensation for the Sharemax investors