Moneyweb artikel oor die nuutste ontwikkeling uit CIPC
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Ons verstaan dat daar ‘n vergadering van die aangespreekte spelers op 14 Mei sal plaasvind en waaruit die ware verhaal agter die Sharemax-sluiting waarskynlik sal na vore kom tesame met inligting oor moontlike vervolgings, oor regstellende aksies vir die Sharemax-beleggers en oor die lot van Nova
Skakel na die CIPC-brief:
Die tussentydse verslag sal gedeel word sodra dit beskikbaar is
So weereens, sit styf, wees positief en wees geduldig!
It is expected that there will be a meeting of the addressed players in May and out of which the true story behind the Sharemax shutdown is likely to emerge together with information on possible prosecutions, on remedial actions for the Sharemax investors and on the fate of Nova
Link to the CIPC letter:
The interim report will be shared once received
So again, sit tight, be positive and be patient!
Their next communication – in the absence of any major developments in the interim – will only be in December when they issue their annual ( and not very informative) Communiqué that they publish in the web site along with the Annual Financial Statements
On the CIPC investigation front, the report has still not been released. It’s very frustrating especially as indications are that it’s going to be good news for the investors
But it cannot be rushed. Every aspect must be thoroughly finalized and every participating authority must be in full agreement with it. The last thing that must happen is that a slip up occurs and the door is opened to challenges, litigation and court delays. That would add years to a possible finalisation and could result in a reduced beneficial outcome
So, sit tight, be positive and remain patient
Hul volgende kommunikasie – in die afwesigheid van enige groot verwikkelinge in die tussentyd – sal eers in Desember wees wanneer hulle hul jaarlikse (en nie baie insiggewende) Communiqué uitreik wat hulle saam met die finansiële jaarstate op die webwerf publiseer
Op die CIPC-ondersoekfront is die verslag steeds nie vrygestel nie. Dit is baie frustrerend, veral aangesien aanduidings is dat dit goeie nuus vir die beleggers sal bring
Maar dit kan nie gehaas word nie. Elke aspek moet deeglik gefinaliseer word en elke deelnemende owerheid moet ten volle daarmee saamstem. Die laaste ding wat moet gebeur, is dat ‘n glips plaasvind wat die deur kan oopmaak vir uitdagings, litigasie en hofvertragings. Dié sal jare by ‘n moontlike finalisering voeg en kan lei tot ‘n verminderde voordelige uitkoms
So, sit styf, bly positief en bly geduldig
Dit skets ‘n somber prentjie in vergelyking met wat Nova handhaaf (sien hul Desember ’23 Communiqué gepubliseer op hul webwerf by en sigbaar onder Latest News>Communiques). Hoeveel lede en Followers het werklik die “positiewe” stellings wat in hierdie kommuniké gemaak is, geglo?
Alles is egter nie heeltemal ondergang en wanhoop vir ons lede en die Skuldbriefhouers as geheel nie
Die meer as ‘n dekade lange aktivisme oor al die kwessies met die oorspronklike SA Reserwebank-sluiting van die PSPC (Property Syndications Promotion Companies) wat Sharemax insluit en ander verwante kwessies beweeg nou regtig vorentoe
Die pogings van die betrokke aktiviste werp vrugte af en ‘n verslag oor die interregulatoriese ondersoek gedryf deur CIPC, kan binnekort verwag word
Lees hier: nancial-future-but-a-ratio-analysis-suggests-otherwise/# < inancial-future-but-a-ratio-analysis-suggests-otherwise/>
of hier:
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It paints a bleak picture compared to what Nova maintain (see their December 23 Communiqué published in their web site at and visible under Latest News>Communiques). How many members & Followers actually believed the positive statements made in this communiqué?
However, all is not totally doom and despair for our members and the Debenture Holders as a whole
The more than a decade long activism over all the issues with the original SA Reserve Bank shut-down of the PSPC (Property Syndications Promotion Companies) which includes Sharemax and other related issues is really moving forward now
The efforts of the activists involved are paying off and a report on the inter-regulatory investigation driven by CIPC, can be expected soon
Read here: nancial-future-but-a-ratio-analysis-suggests-otherwise/# < inancial-future-but-a-ratio-analysis-suggests-otherwise/>
or here:
Read the article at: -investors-see-their-money/
Lees by -investors-see-their-money/
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Ryk van Niekerk reageer op Nova-verklarings by AJV
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