FAIS Ombud closes all outstanding property syndication claims
iono.fm/e/1337070 (English)
No comment from NDCAG at this time
iono.fm/e/1337070 (English)
No comment from NDCAG at this time
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/2101> Proposed sale or auction of ‘tombstone mall’ thrown into disarray
and ..
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/2100> Liquidation applications against 12 Nova companies halted
It would seem that, judging from some of the terms of the Nova/Quatro agreement detailed in this article, CIPC should step in once again to remind the parties of the 2022 directive ordering Nova not to dispose of any further properties, whether directly or as in this case, potentially
(Artikels slegs in Engels beskikbar)
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/2100?fbclid=IwAR0mxBoZMq-zgGcowz87bLPHHRdtc8pog1 m2BpXgARE80eCyPnnI5PoWJ_0> www.ndcag.co.za/go/2100
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/2100?fbclid=IwAR04o1MspaUNlxt9w7hB2W06FI1v9g4U7D kalOIabp8rp9F2U7AmPvJJu7s> www.ndcag.co.za/go/2100
<www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/liquidation-applications -against-12-nova-companies-halted/?fbclid=IwAR0n0UN088RLPtDuOM1CGobj4Me5JH_C YB9clejvgsVqSTmGGIiZa9A3e0k> www.moneyweb.co.za/…/liquidation-applications…/
Dit wil voorkom asof, te oordeel aan sommige van die bepalings van die Nova/Quatro-ooreenkoms wat in hierdie artikel uiteengesit word, CIPC weereens moet intree om die partye te herinner aan die 2022-direktief wat Nova beveel om nie van enige verdere eiendomme te beskik nie, hetsy direk of soos in hierdie geval, moontlik
Deur Roy Cockayne by Moneyweb, 11 Julie
www.moneyweb.co.za/in-depth/investigations/tombstone-mall-woes-conti nue/
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/2030> www.ndcag.co.za/go/2030
Die inhoud en invoer van hierdie artikel word getemper deur die volgende ontwikkeling:
Een van ons lede het Nova (waarvoor, dankie) n e-pos gestuur oor die Moneyweb 12 Nova-maatskappye staar likwidasie-aansoeke in die gesig artikel wat ons op 11 Julie hierin gepubliseer het en ‘n verduideliking versoek.
Nova het geantwoord met: Die saak is afgehandel, en die aansoeke word teruggetrek
Dit beteken dat Nova waarskynlik ‘n mate van verstandhouding met Quatro Group bereik het en die terugtrekking van die aansoeke sal die normale regsprosesse volg
Ons het in ons kommunikasie met die lid gesê dat die betrokke eiendomme nou “buite gevaar” is en beleggers het die verdere beskerming deurdat Nova opdrag ontvang het om op te hou om van verdere bates te verkoop kragtens die Augustus ’22-voorskrif uitgereik deur CIPC
One of our members emailed Nova (for which, thank you) regarding the Moneyweb “12 Nova companies face winding up applications” article that we published herein on 11 July and requested an explanation
Nova responded with: “The matter has been settled, and the applications are being withdrawn”
This means that Nova have probably reached some understanding with Quatro Group and the withdrawal of the applications will follow the normal legal processes
We stated in our communications with the member that the relevant properties are now “out of danger” and investors have the further protection in that Nova have been instructed to cease disposing of further assets under the August ’22 directive issued by CIPC
Moneyweb: Twelve Nova companies face winding-up applications
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/20262> www.ndcag.co.za/go/20262
Moneyweb: Sharemax tombstone may soon be under the hammer
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/20272> www.ndcag.co.za/go/20272
IOL: Press ombud dismisses Nova complaint
Moneyweb: New draft offer received for The Villa tombstone mall
Moneyweb: The Villa: decision on future of ‘tombstone’ mall delayed
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/20288> www.ndcag.co.za/go/20288
The Citizen: Nova controlled company wants to buy the ‘tombstone’ mall
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/20254> www.ndcag.co.za/go/20254
Moneyweb/RSG podcast: Sharemax se mislukte Villa Retail Park staan by ‘n vurk in die pad
(Sharemax’s failed Villa Retail Park stands at a fork in the road. Comment in English by journalist Roy Cockayne)
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/20296> www.ndcag.co.za/go/20296
Let asseblief op dat dié slegs in Engels beskikbaar is
Moneyweb: Twelve Nova companies face winding-up applications
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/20262> www.ndcag.co.za/go/20262
Moneyweb: Sharemax tombstone may soon be under the hammer
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/20272> www.ndcag.co.za/go/20272
IOL: Press ombud dismisses Nova complaint
Moneyweb: New draft offer received for The Villa tombstone mall
Moneyweb: The Villa: decision on future of tombstone mall delayed
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/20288> www.ndcag.co.za/go/20288
The Citizen: Nova controlled company wants to buy the tombstone mall
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/20254> www.ndcag.co.za/go/20254
Moneyweb/RSG potgooi: Sharemax se mislukte Villa Retail Park staan by n vurk in die pad
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/20296> www.ndcag.co.za/go/20296
By wyse van die hervatting van inligtingstoevoer aan ons lede sowel as ons Facebook-volgelinge/besoekers, plaas ons vandag ‘n plasing oor die interregulatiewe ondersoek wat al ‘n jaar of wat aan die gang is
Hierdie ondersoek is deur CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Property Commission) opgestel na hul uitreiking aan Nova in 2022 en 2021 van voldoeningsbevele, wat voortspruit uit die maatskappy se versuim om aan sommige van die vereistes van die Maatskappywet te voldoen. In hul ondersoek het ander, wyer, kwessies onder hul aandag gekom wat daartoe gelei het dat hulle dit verbreed het om ander partye en instellings in te sluit.
By wyse van terugvoer oor hierdie ondersoek verskaf ons hiermee ‘n afskrif van ‘n brief van CIPC wat aan Deon Pienaar (‘n langtermyn kruisvaarder teen die geagte onreëlmatighede en onwettighede agter die sluiting van die eiendomsindikasie “industrie” terug in 2010) gestuur is saam met Deon se jongste nuusbrief waarin die eerste drie bladsye verdere inligting rakende die ondersoek verskaf
Skakel na CIPC-ondersoekopdatering
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/preliminary-inter-regulator-investigation-update > www.ndcag.co.za/go/preliminary-inter-regulator-investigation-update
Skakel na Deon Pienaar se nuusbrief
Neem asseblief kennis dat hierdie dokumente slegs in Engels beskikbaar is
By way of resuming information feed to our members as well as our Facebook followers/visitors, we are posting today on the inter-regulatory investigation that has been underway for a year or so
This investigation was set up by CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Property Commission) following their issuance to Nova in 2022 and 2021 of Compliance Orders, arising out of the company’s failure to comply with some of the requirements of the Companies Act. In their investigation, other, wider, issues came to their attention which led to them broadening it to include other institutions and parties
By way of feedback on this investigation we providing herewith a copy of a letter from CIPC sent to Deon Pienaar (a long-term crusader against the deemed irregularities and illegalities behind the shut-down of the property syndication “industry” back in 2010) together with Deon’s latest newsletter in which the first three pages provide further information regarding the investigation
Link to CIPC investigation update
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/preliminary-inter-regulator-investigation-update > www.ndcag.co.za/go/preliminary-inter-regulator-investigation-update
Link to Deon Pienaar’s newsletter
<www.ndcag.co.za/go/02023> www.ndcag.co.za/go/02023
Here is a very interesting article from Moneyweb’s Ryk van Niekerk
We like particularly, and fully agree with;
“…. a massive indictment of South African regulators.”