by Roger | Dec 15, 2021 | Announcements
In the event that a Debenture Holder has not received an email or emails, from Nova, such persons should send an email to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> to advise them of the fact
In the email, full names, address of record, ID#, contact #, email address and the Debenture Certificate numbers of the certificates that are held should be provided
The Nova Admin will send out the appropriate number of emails, ie; one for each of the four categories (The Villas Company, the Zambezi Company, The Growth Plans and the Income Plans
It is expected (but not guaranteed) that, should any of the detail provided not match with their records, Nova would address the email sender and subsequently update their records
Recipients should ensure that they receive as many emails as the Plans in which they invested
The Villas Company covers both Villa 1 & 2
The Zambezi Company covers Zambezi Mall
The Income Plans are the malls
The Growth Plans are the residential developments
Any questions in this connection can be posed via the Comments functionality in our Facebook page
by Roger | Dec 15, 2021 | Announcements
We are aware that many emails sent to our ema [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> during the course of the year have remained unanswered. We apologise for this
As we get back into the swing of things, it will be easier for us to respond to queries online in the Facebook page and we request that members please use this channel for the time being
Members who have previously sent in emails that remain unanswered and who still require a response, are requested to please re-post their questions in the Facebook page and we should respond same day as we deal with what comes up in the received Notifications for the page
The page can be found via Google by searching for Sharemax Investors (and the NDCAG page will come up in the search results) or type in all of Sharemax Investors/Nova Debenture Creditors
by Roger | Dec 15, 2021 | Announcements
Nova published their 2021 financial statements today. Ten months late per Company Act requirements and one of the reasons why they were served with a 2nd Compliance Notice by CIPC in November
We will be watching for analysis and opinion on the state of the company and deemed solvency or insolvency and will post for information
Here is the link:
< 3IRZn8C7k2Wo-CrNDV035fvTvJi7t_nQRRD2sPZUE5Xajm3hP0zbUSo3s>…/financial-statements/
by Roger | Dec 15, 2021 | Announcements
Below are the links to the most recent Moneyweb posts on Sharemax/Nova
15 December: Nova Debenture Holders stand up to the Sharemax Rescue Vehicle and-up-to-the-sharemax-rescue-vehicle/
13 December: Moneyweb-radio: Nova betaal nie die voormalige Sharemax beleggers binne die 10 jaar tydperk terug nie remax-beleggers-binne-die-10-jaar-tydperk-terug-nie/
10 December: Sharemax rescue vehicle makes a u-turn on payments to investors akes-a-u-turn-on-payments-to-investors/
24 November: CIPC concerned about Nova’s ability to repay debenture holders s-ability-to-repay-debenture-holders/
17 November: Sharemax rescue vehicle faces CIPC shutdown aces-cipc-shutdown/
25 October: How former Sharemax investors saved Connie Myburgh tors-saved-connie-myburgh/
by Roger | Dec 15, 2021 | Announcements
We apologise for the erroneous post last night, which, whilst it displayed the letter, also contained content not intended for the web site
by Roger | Dec 14, 2021 | Announcements
We’ve received word that there was too much on the “story board” at Geldsake tonight and although Herman was on standby, there was just not enough time to get to Sharemax/Nova. We’ll keep you posted as to when tonight’s planned discussion will air