Is the company really solvent?

Here is a new article from Moneyweb on Nova’s current state of solvency and chances of insolvency

It paints a bleak picture compared to what Nova maintain (see their December ’23 Communiqué published in their web site at and visible under Latest News>Communiques). How many members & Followers actually believed the “positive” statements made in this communiqué?

However, all is not totally doom and despair for our members and the Debenture Holders as a whole

The more than a decade long activism over all the issues with the original SA Reserve Bank shut-down of the PSPC (Property Syndications Promotion Companies) – which includes Sharemax – and other related issues is really moving forward now

The efforts of the activists involved are paying off and a report on the inter-regulatory investigation driven by CIPC, can be expected soon

Read here: nancial-future-but-a-ratio-analysis-suggests-otherwise/# < inancial-future-but-a-ratio-analysis-suggests-otherwise/>

or here:

Moneyweb toegang tot onlangse Nova AJV vir ’23 geweier

< ntry-to-nova-agm-again/?mc_cid=123fdbadf9&mc_eid=8c2e642ad4> try-to-nova-agm-again/?mc_cid=123fdbadf9&mc_eid=8c2e642ad4



Hoe reageer ‘n mens op die gebeure wat aangemeld is? Dit is nie ‘n verrassing dat Moneyweb-redakteur Ryk van Niekerk, toegang verbied is nie. Nova hou nie van opposisie nie, veral voorsitter Connie Myburgh. Trouens, Nova funksioneer op tipiese outoritêre wyse: sluit enige opposisie uit – die beste vorm van verdediging is aanval

Natuurlik is me Haese se stellings alles net “spin” in ‘n poging om kritiek af te weer. En, haar moralisering (weereens!) oor die geld wat hulle aan Beneficio verskuldig is as “die skuldbriefhouer se geld”! Die skuldbriefhouer se geld was die opbrengs van die na 2013-eiendomverkoop wat in bedryfskapitaal geneem is en wat in die drein gegaan het met nog nooit ‘n sent wat vir terugbetaling gebruik is nie

Verder is dit “ons geld”, maar ons het geen sê oor die bestuur daarvan nie. Daardie verantwoordelikheid lê by jou en die res van die Raad. Jy maak skaars goeie werk daarvan, Me Haese, ongeag jou protes en versekerings

Waarvoor moes Nova in elk geval twee en dertig miljoen leen? Wat was so dringend dat hulle bereid was om teen daardie buitensporige rentekoers te leen? Wat hulle nou ‘n gebruikskoers noem, is nie betwis toe hulle vir die lening gekontrakteer het nie, ja? Maar, nou huil hulle vies! Hindsight is 20-20 vision soos die spreekwoord gaan. Maar, in hierdie saak, waar was die vooruitskouing (foresight) wat uitgeoefen moes gewees het? Kwalifiseer hierdie lening dus nie as roekelose handel nie?

Nova het skuldbriewe laas in 2013 terugbetaal. Daar was glad geen goeie nuus in die daaropvolgende tien jaar nie en hulle verwag dat die voormalige Sharemax-beleggers (hetsy Nova-aandeelhouers of Skuldbriewehouers nou) en die wêreld in die algemeen hul versekering sonder twyfel sal sluk?

Moneyweb denied access to recent Nova AGM for ’23

< ntry-to-nova-agm-again/?mc_cid=123fdbadf9&mc_eid=8c2e642ad4> try-to-nova-agm-again/?mc_cid=123fdbadf9&mc_eid=8c2e642ad4



How does one react to the events reported? It’s not a surprise that Moneyweb editor Ryk van Niekerk editor was barred from entry. Nova does not like opposition, especially Chairman Connie Myburgh. In fact, Nova operates in typical authoritarian manner: shut any opposition out – the best form of defence is attack

Of course, Ms Haese’s statements are all just spin in an attempt to deflect criticism. And, moralising (again!) regarding the money that they owe to Beneficio being “the debenture holder’s money”! The debenture holder’s money was the post-2013 property sale proceeds taken into working capital and which has gone down the drain with never a cent used for repayment

Further, it’s our money but we have no say in managing it. That responsibility lies with you and the rest of the Board. You’re hardly making a good job of it, CEO Haese, whatever your protestations and assurances

What did Nova have to borrow thirty two million for anyway? What was so urgent that they were willing to borrow at that exorbitant interest rate? What they now call a usuary rate was not challenged when they contracted for the borrowing, yes? But, now, they cry foul! Hindsight is 20-20 vision as the saying goes . But, in this matter, where was the foresight that should have been exercised? Does this borrowing therefore, not qualify as reckless trading?

Nova last repaid debentures in 2013. There has been no good news at all in the ensuing ten years and they expect the former Sharemax investors (whether Nova shareholders or Debenture Holders now) and the world at large to swallow their assurances without question?