This report can be viewed at:

It is not the investigation Interim Report that has been awaited for so long. Rather, it can be seen as a confirmation that the investigation into Nova and the PSPC industry close-down is ready for the next-steps
Perhaps, it has also been issued to allay the concerns and frustrations that have arisen over the apparent lack of progress towards outcomes that should lead to relief for the PSPC investors and to assure affected and interested parties that CIPC fully intends to take it to a point where appropriate findings and recommendations have been formulated and then to place any matters which are labelled as having been irregular and/or illegal in terms of historic actions that led to the PSPC industry shutdown, before appropriate regulators and authorities for consideration and possibly, further action
Note also that the eventual outcomes will also cover Nova’s activities and failures which led to the investigation in the first place and should include findings and recommendations on the company’s, viability and future
But, it is also pointed out that some of the findings may well lead to litigation and court cases which could result in further delays before final resolution is achieved