We frequently receive requests to provide our web site news post texts in either of English or Afrikaans where such requestor has received one of our News Alert emails in the “wrong” language
Persons who send such requests should please note that every news post appears in our web site (www.ndcag.co.za <www.ndcag.co,.za> > Latest News) in both languages. But only one News Alert email goes out and for some recipients this may on occasion, be in the “other” language. This is due to the way that our email transmission is set up in the system that hosts NDCAG registrations and communications – very kindly provided free of charge by a family member of a Debenture Holder
THERE IS A SIMPLE WAY to easily see the text of a received News Alert email in the other language
Simply go to the website and click on the “Latest News” button in the home screen or scroll down to “Latest News” where the latest post will appear in both languages