About Us
The Nova Debenture Creditor Action Group has been established, primarily, to provide a channel for communications for the Nova Property Group Debenture Creditors, whether they’re already linked to or supported by another broker group or not.
We invite all Nova Debenture Creditors to register with us and to provide their mandate to enable us to speak and act on their behalf.
Our aims:
- To establish a single point of entry for interactions between the Nova Board (the Board) and the Debenture Creditors
- To obtain a mandate from a significant number of Debenture Creditors, if not all of them, to speak and act on their behalf
- To have the Board recognize the Action Group as a representative body and agree to discussions and interactions with the Group in the interests of all the Debenture Creditors
We thank you in anticipation of your interest and support.
Die Nova Debenture Krediteure Aksiegroep is gestig, hoofsaaklik, om ‘n kanaal van kommunikasie vir die Nova Property Group Skuldbrief Skuldeisers of hulle alreeds gekoppel is met ‘n ander makelaar groep of soortgelyke, te voorsien.
Maar, ons nooi alle Nova Debenture Krediteure om met ons te registreer en om hul mandaat aan ons te gee om ons in staat te stel om namens hulle te praat en op te tree.
Ons doel is:
- Om ‘n enkele punt van toegang tot stand te bring vir interaksie tussen die Nova Raad (die Raad) en die Debenture Krediteure
- ‘n Mandaat van ‘n beduidende aantal van Debenture Krediteure, indien nie almal van hulle nie, te praat en op te tree namens hulle, te kry
- Om Raad erkenning van die Aksiegroep as ‘n verteenwoordigende liggaam te kry in die belang van alle Debenture Krediteure
Ons dank u in afwagting van u belangstelling en ondersteuning.
(Alhoewel die inhoud van hierdie blad in beide Engels en Afrikaans angebied word, op dié stadium, verskyn verdere inhoud slegs in Engels. Ons vertrou dat dié sal nie vir Afrikaanssprekendes onngerief versoorsaak nie)
Please register
and give us your mandate:
Conditions for Registration
The Nova Debenture Creditor Action Group has been established, primarily, to provide a channel for communications for the Nova Property Group Debenture Creditors, whether they’re already linked to or supported by another broker group or not.
We invite all Nova Debenture Creditors to register with us and to provide their mandate to enable us to speak and act on their behalf.
Our aims:
- To establish a single point of entry for interactions between the Nova Board (the Board) and the Debenture Creditors
- To obtain a mandate from a significant number of Debenture Creditors, if not all of them, to speak and act on their behalf
- To have the Board recognize the Action Group as a representative body and agree to discussions and interactions with the Group in the interests of all the Debenture Creditors
We thank you in anticipation of your interest and support.
Please Note:
Have you registered with us previously?
If yes, PLEASE DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT enter your details in this registration form again.
If you need to change any of your registration details, please send us an email at [email protected] giving details of these changes, we will amend the registration record accordingly and confirm via return email that the changes have been made.
Please co-operate with us in this regard. Repeat registrations are a problem and require time and effort to address and rectify.
Thank You
Neem Asseblief Kennis:
Het u vooraf by ons geregistreer?
Indien ja, MOET ASSEBLIEF NIE, ons herhaal. MOET NIE WEER u besonderhede in hierdie registrasieform invoer nie.
Indien u enige van u registrasiebesonderhede moet verander, stuur asb ‘n eos aan [email protected] met besonderhede van die veranderings. Ons sal die registrasie rekord doorvolgende wysig en via e-pos bevestig dat veranderings aangebring is.
Werk asseblief saam met ons in hierdie verband. Additionele/herhaal registrasies is ‘n probleem en vereis tyd en moeite om reg te stel.
Registration Form / Registrasievorm:
Sign Up
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Committee members
Roger Johnson
Debenture Creditor.
Herman Lombard
Committee Member
Trustee of a Debenture Creditor.
Trust and Debenture Creditor.
Charmain Smith
Committee Member
Debenture Creditor
Chris Momberg
Committee Member
Debenture Creditor
Johan Jansen van Rensburg
Committee Member
Debenture Creditor
Should you have any questions or inquiries, contact us: [email protected]